Sunday, December 27, 2009

McCullough Christmas 2009 Video

As a part of the night I we had the fun of using Thomas' gift to his parents which was a flip video camera. We used it to create this video. We hope you enjoy this video as much as we had making it. Merry Christmas. I want to Thank Martha for the music on the video. This video was done by John Gifford with the assistance on associate camcorder Claudia Gifford.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

This was a great evening of fun and fellowship with the family. It was fun being at Lee Ann's house. Thomas had given Claudia and I a new flip video. As a result I have prepared this video so we can remember how special that night and each night this group of characters have shared a meal together. The video will be attached soon.

Sometimes only in retrospect does the joy and special aspects of moments like this truly impact you. The joy of ten conversations going at the same time all at full force is special. The fact that the 8 nieces, nephews and spouse wanting to be together at dinner says volumes. Thank you family for the thrill of watching 34 of these rites of passage.